Bom Dia, aluno(a)! Hoje é domingo, 30 de março de 2025

Inglês - 8º ano - Aula 12 - Expressions to Agree and Disagree

Hi, students! Vamos à nossa aula de hoje:

:: Content: EXPRESSIONS TO AGREE AND DISAGREE (Expressões para concordar ou discordar)

Hi guys! I think we will be together again very soon. What about you? Do you think so? Agree or disagree?

Let’s learn some expressions we use to AGREE & DISAGREE!

Oi pessoal! Eu acho que estaremos juntos novamente muito em breve. E você? Você acha que sim? Concorda ou discorda? Vamos aprender algumas expressões que usamos para CONCORDAR E DISCORDAR!

:: Expressing agreement

• I agree with you 100 percent. (Concordo com você 100%)

• I couldn't agree with you more. (Concordo com você totalmente)

• That's so true. (Isso é tão verdadeiro!) 

• That's for sure. (Isso é certo!)

• (slang) Tell me about it! (Nem me fale!)

• You're absolutely right. (Você está totalmente certo)

• Absolutely. (Com certeza!)

• That's exactly how I feel. (É exatamente assim que me sinto)

• Exactly. (Exatamente!)

• I'm afraid I agree with James. (Sinto que concordo com Tiago)

• I have to side with Dad on this one. (Fico do mesmo lado do papai nessa aí)

• No doubt about it. (Sem dúvida)

• (agree with negative statement) Me neither. (nem meu)

• (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. (Suponho que sim. / Acho que sim.)

• You have a point there. (Você tem razão)

• I was just going to say that. (Eu ia dizer isso agora)

:: Expressing disagreement

• I don't think so. (Acho que não)

• (strong) No way. (De jeito nenhum!)

• I'm afraid I disagree. (Sinto discordar)

• (strong) I totally disagree. (Discordo totalmente)

• I beg to differ. (Peço desculpa mas não concordo)

• (strong) I'd say the exact opposite. (Eu diria exatamente o oposto)

• Not necessarily. (Não necessariamente)

• That's not always true. (Isso nem sempre é verdade)

• That's not always the case. (Não é sempre assim)

• No, I'm not so sure about that. (Não, não tenho certeza sobre isso)

:: Exercises:

1) Read the sentences below and write an expression to agree or disagree according to your opinion:
Leia as frases abaixo e escreva uma expressão para concordar ou discordar de acordo com sua opinião

A. Girls are different from boys. _______________________________________________ .

B. Girls are better babysitters than boys. ________________________________________ .

C. Boys are naturally better at sports. ___________________________________________ .

D. Being a secretary is a woman’s job. __________________________________________ .

E. Being a construction worker is a man’s job. ____________________________________ .

F. It’s not right for little boys to play with dolls. ___________________________________ .

G. Little girls shouldn’t be playing with cars and trucks. _____________________________ .

2) Mark the correct option to match the idea of the sentence:

1. You and a friend want to buy a birthday present for another friend. You suggest buying tickets for a concert then ask your friend:

• Are you agree?
• Do you agree?
• Do you think I'm right?

2. Someone says, ''It's cold today'' and you agree. You say:

• You're right!
• You've right!
• You so right!

3. Your friend is talking about a film you both saw and says it was fantastic. You agree and say:

• I absolute agree.
• I completely agree.
• I agree up for a point.

4. Someone says something you completely agree with. You say:

• I agree in total.
• I couldn't agree with you less.
• I couldn't agree with you more.

5. Someone says that your home football team will win their next match. You don't really agree and say:

• I'm not quite sure.
• I'm not real sure.
• I'm not so sure.

6. You are discussing politics with a friend and they say something that you ''half'' agree with. You say:

• I agree up to a point.
• I don't total agree with you.
• I part agree with you.

7. Someone says something you disagree with. You say:

• I don't agree.
• I'm not agree.
• I not agree.

8. You know that you and your friend will never agree about something! You say:

• Lets agree to disagree.
• Lets argue again.
• Lets disagree.


:: Fontes

Importante: Todas as quartas-feiras estarei online de 14:00 às 15:00 para tirar as dúvidas de vocês ao vivo no chat do blog!

Bons estudos! Teacher João

"E lembrem-se de sempre lavar bem as mãos e evitar sair de casa! Somente juntos, com a colaboração de todos, conseguiremos superar esta situação!"

E.M.A.C. Rodrigues Alves

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