Boa Tarde, aluno(a)! Hoje é sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2025

Inglês - 9º ano - Aula 10 - Reading Comprehension

Hi, students! Vamos à nossa aula de hoje:


How are things? I hope this class finds you well! This week we are going to work with a little bit of Reading Comprehension. If you have any difficulty with the vocabulary of the text in order to answer the questions, look up for words in a good translator online. But don’t translate the whole text, try to grasp the meaning / interpretation by the words you already know.

Como estão as coisas? Espero que esta lição o encontre bem! Nesta semana, vamos trabalhar com um pouco de compreensão de leitura. Se você tiver alguma dificuldade com o vocabulário do texto para responder às perguntas, procure palavras em um bom tradutor online. Mas não traduza o texto inteiro, tente entender o significado / interpretação pelas palavras que você já conhece.

:: TEXT 1

Use ONE word to complete each answer about the reading.
Use UMA palavra para completar cada resposta sobre a leitura.

My working day starts very early. From Monday to Friday I get up at half past three and I have a shower and a cup of coffee. I usually leave the house at ten past four because the car always arrives a few minutes early. I get to the studio at about five o'clock and start work. My programme Good Morning Britain starts at seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then I leave the studio at a quarter past ten. After that, I go shopping and visit some friends. I get home at three o'clock. A woman helps me with the housework and the ironing. I read a newspaper and do some work.

Then my husband gets home at half past five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the evening. We don't go out because I go to bed very early. We usually watch television and then I go to bed at half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine o'clock.

At weekends, I don't get up until ten o'clock. In the evening, we often see some friends or go to the cinema. But I'm always up early again on Monday morning.

1. What time does Cynthia get up during the week?
2. How does Cynthia get to the studio in the morning?
3. What time does she arrive at the studio?
4. What time does the TV show begin?
5. How long does "Good Morning Britain" last?
6. What time does Cynthia get home after finishing at the studio?
7. What time does her husband arrive home?
8. Do Cynthia and her husband go out in the evening?
9. What time does Cynthia go to bed?
10. Does Cynthia stay in bed longer at the weekend?

1. She gets up at half past _____ in the morning.
2. She goes by _____.
3. She gets to the studio at _____ o'clock.
4. The TV show begins at _____ o'clock.
5. It lasts for _____ hours.
6. She gets home at _____ o'clock.
7. Her husband arrives home at _____ thirty.
8. No, they don't because Cynthia goes to bed _____.
9. She goes to bed at _____ thirty.
10. Yes, she stays in bed until _____ o'clock.

:: TEXT 2

I'm going to tell you about my Aunt Helen's house. It's not her main house, that's in the city. No, this house is by the lake. There was a small town by the lake called Miller's Ford, but all the people moved away when the fishing and mining stopped about sixty years ago. But the houses stayed, of course. My Aunt Helen uses that house as a vacation home and she goes there for a few weeks every year to relax.

But staying in that house isn't a relaxing experience. I think the house is haunted! I think there's a ghost there from many many years ago. Helen says I'm silly and that I've got an over-active imagination. But there are many things that happen in that house that cannot be easily explained.

One day, shortly after getting up, I went to find my Aunt Helen to say "good morning" and I heard her talking in a room that she usually never uses. I think it used to be the nursery of the house when Miller's Ford was a busy town in the 19th Century. I listened at the door and could hear Helen reading something out, or perhaps she was dictating a letter. I couldn't hear any other person in the room with her so it wasn't a normal conversation. I didn't want to disturb my aunt, so I went back downstairs and went to make breakfast in the kitchen, which I ate on the porch that overlooked the lake. It was a beautiful sunny morning. Half an hour later, I heard my aunt's car arriving. She had been to the local store to buy some bread and milk. I couldn't believe it!

"What are you looking so shocked for?" she asked me.

"I thought you were in the old nursery, working on your letters, Auntie," I replied.

"I never go in that room," she said. "I haven't been in that room for fifteen years."

A few other things like that happened over the next few visits I made to that house and I grew to dislike it very much. Then, one day in my local library, I found a story in an old newspaper with the title "The Constant Babysitter". The story was that a baby had died in one of the houses by the lake at Miller's Ford and the babysitter was blamed, a woman of 37 who was a family friend and had offered to look after the baby. But she spent all her time in the kitchen writing her letters and didn't know that someone had climbed in the baby's window and taken her. The baby was never found. The woman killed herself through depression after the baby's disappearance and local people then said her ghost stayed very close to where the baby was left by the parents - in the nursery.

I never went back to that house, despite my Aunt Helen's many invitations.

1. The narrator describes the house where her aunt lives all year.

2. Why did the people leave Miller's Ford
     the lake flooded
     the haunted house
     the economy

3. Aunt Helen also believes there's something "strange" in the house.

4. Why was the narrator looking for Aunt Helen?
     to tell her about the nursery
     to have breakfast
     to greet her

5. Why did the narrator think it wasn't a "normal conversation"?
     she heard only one person
     the people were shouting
     the voices were strange

6. What did Aunt Helen say about the nursery?
     she didn't like to use it
     that she never used it
     the room was locked

7. Who took the baby in the story?
     a friend of the babysitter
     the babysitter
     nobody knows

8. Why does the ghost probably stay in the nursery?
     it feels guilty about what happened
     because of the lake view
     she jumped from that window

:: TEXT 3

Match words from the reading text with these definitions:
Preencha com palavras do texto as definições de 1 a 8

Patricia Denning stars in a sad movie about ambition and heartbreak.

When Cecilia leaves college in Texas, she has everything: a wonderful boyfriend, Carl, an interesting job and an expensive house in a pretty town. Her life is perfect. Even her black Labrador dog, Perky, is a star: he wins the local dog competition and Hollywood wants to put him in a movie.

Cecilia goes to Hollywood with him and leaves her boyfriend alone back home. When the studio fires Perky, Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and tries to get other movie roles for her beautiful dog.

Carl gives Cecilia an ultimatum: come home and stop behaving crazily, or stay there forever. Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and wants to become an actress herself. She sends Perky back to Texas and starts an acting course. After six months, Cecilia realizes she can't act and she misses home, but it's too late. Carl has found another girlfriend. Cecilia tries to win him back, and also discovers a lot about herself on her long journey.

This is a very sad movie, which makes you think about what we want from life. Patricia Denning is very convincing as Cecilia, but the star of the movie is gorgeous Perky, the black Labrador who steals our hearts. Black Hollywood is in cinemas from next week.

1. famous, a celebrity (______)
2. without anyone, solitary  (______)
3. a final demand or set of conditions  (______)
4. to sack, dismiss from job  (______)
5. a program of educational instruction, often at a college or university  (______)
6. a period of travel, travel from one place to another  (______)
7. persuasive and assuring, believable  (______)
8. beautiful, very pretty, physically attractive  (______)

READING is the best way to learn vocabulary! Why don’t you read a book in English? In this link you can find very good books to read!

Importante: Todas as quartas-feiras estarei online de 14:00 às 15:00 para tirar as dúvidas de vocês ao vivo no chat do blog!

Bons estudos! Teacher João

"E lembrem-se de sempre lavar bem as mãos e evitar sair de casa! Somente juntos, com a colaboração de todos, conseguiremos superar esta situação!"

E.M.A.C. Rodrigues Alves

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