Inglês - Datas Comemorativas - Valentine’s Day in Brazil

Hi, students! Hoje trago para vocês um conteúdo especial para celebrar a data do "Dia dos Namorados"!


Many countries celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14 but Brazil slightly differs from those countries because of a few reasons

Our Valentine’s Day is called Dia dos Namorados (translated as “Lovers’ Day”, “Day of the Enamored”, or “Boyfriends’ / Girlfriends’ Day”). Although it is celebrated in a similar way of the American and European tradition, we don’t celebrate it because of Saint Valentine.

The Dia dos Namorados is celebrated on June 12 because of its proximity to Saint Anthony’s Day on June 13. This Saint is very known in Brazil as they believe he blessed young couples with a prosperous marriage. During the occasion, typically, young couples exchange gifts, flowers and chocolates, they also have a grand dinner as well -it can be homemade or at a restaurant.

However, if you are single, don’t you worry! Usually the nightclubs, movie theatres and bars also have a special schedule for the singletons.

The reason why the traditional Valentine’s Day is not celebrated in Brazil is because it commonly falls during the Carnival Week, which is one of biggest events in the country. That makes Brazil a huger target for Western singles who want to get away from Valentine’s Day.

:: Glossary

SLIGHTLY – ligeiramente, levemente
A FEW REASONS – umas poucas razões
ALTHOUGH – embora 
WAY – jeito, forma

Link para saber mais sobre quem foi São Valentim:

KNOWN – conhecido, famoso
BELIEVE – acreditar, crer
BLESS – abençoar
COUPLES – casais
PROSPEROUS – próspero
MARRIAGE – casamento
EXCHANGE – trocar
GIFTS – presentes
HOMEMADE – feito em casa
HOWEVER – entretanto
SINGLE – solteiro(a)
SCHEDULE – programação
SINGLETONS – solteiros
FALL – cair
GET AWAY FROM – escaper de, se “safar” de

Teacher João

"E lembrem-se de sempre lavar bem as mãos e evitar sair de casa! Somente juntos, com a colaboração de todos, conseguiremos superar esta situação!"

E.M.A.C. Rodrigues Alves

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