Boa Tarde, aluno(a)! Hoje é terça-feira, 25 de março de 2025

Inglês - 7º ano - Aula 10 - Reading Comprehension

Hi, students! Vamos à nossa aula de hoje:


How are things? I hope this class finds you well! This week we are going to work with a little bit of Reading Comprehension. If you have any difficulty with the vocabulary of the text in order to answer the questions, look up for words in a good translator online. But don’t translate the whole text, try to grasp the meaning / interpretation by the words you already know.

Como estão as coisas? Espero que esta lição o encontre bem! Nesta semana, vamos trabalhar com um pouco de compreensão de leitura. Se você tiver alguma dificuldade com o vocabulário do texto para responder às perguntas, procure palavras em um bom tradutor online. Mas não traduza o texto inteiro, tente entender o significado / interpretação pelas palavras que você já conhece.

:: TEXT 1

On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads his newspaper in the kitchen. He has breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in Scotland.

In the afternoon, at 1.00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat dinner in a restaurant. At 6.00, Tom swims for one hour and then he goes by bike to his brother´s house. They talk and listen to music.

Tom watches television in the evening and drinks a glass of warm milk. He goes to bed at 11.30.

1. Where does Tom have breakfast?
    A – In the kitchen
    B – In his bedroom
    C – In the lounge

2. Who does he telephone in the morning?
    A – His sister
    B – His brother
    C – His mother

3. Where does his mother live?
    A – In England
    B – In his brother's house
    C – In Scotland

4. What time does he play tennis with his sister?
    A – 1pm
    B – 2pm
    C – 11.30am

5. How long does Tom swim for?
    A – One hour
    B – Two hours
    C – Six hours

6. How does Tom go to his brother's house?
    A – By bike
    B – By car
    C – On foot

7. What does Tom drink in the evening?
    A – Wine
    B – Beer
    C – Milk

8. What time does Tom go to bed?
    A – 11pm
    B – 11.30pm
    C – Midnight

:: TEXT 2

My working day starts very early. From Monday to Friday I get up at half past three and I have a shower and a cup of coffee. I usually leave the house at ten past four because the car always arrives a few minutes early. I get to the studio at about five o'clock and start work. My programme Good Morning Britain starts at seven o'clock and finishes at nine o'clock. Then I leave the studio at a quarter past ten. After that, I go shopping and visit some friends. I get home at three o'clock. A woman helps me with the housework and the ironing. I read a newspaper and do some work.

Then my husband gets home at half past five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the evening. We don't go out because I go to bed very early. We usually watch television and then I go to bed at half past eight, I'm usually asleep by nine o'clock.

I think my job is very interesting, but I don't like getting up very early.

1. The person is a woman.

2. She is a television journalist.

3. She drives her car to work.

4. She goes home after the programme finishes.

5. She is in the house alone till her husband arrives home.

6. She goes to bed early during the week.

7. She works with her husband.

8. She likes everything about her job.

:: TEXT 3

Clarkson is a large town. It has more than fifty thousand people living there. It sits next to a large river, the Clark River. Every day, people take the ferry from North Clarkson to South Clarkson to go to work.
Most people live in North Clarkson. There are many trees and the streets are very broad. When the sun shines and the children run and play in the safe streets, North Clarkson is a wonderful place to live.

South Clarkson has a lot of shops and factories. People don't live there, but they come in the morning to work. There is also a big stadium where the Clarkson Tigers play. On Sundays, many people go to watch their favorite team.

At the weekend, the people from Clarkson enjoy walking along the bank of the Clark River. They also sail small boats on the water and if there is a little wind, they fly kites in the large park.

Every year, Clarkson grows in size because a lot of people come to live there. The government builds more houses and the streets get busier. Maybe in the future, if the town continues to grow, it will become a city!

1. What is there near Clarkson?
    A - mountains
    B - sea
    C - river

2. What is there in North Clarkson?
    A - wide streets
    B - factories
    C - offices

3. Where is the stadium?
    A - outside the town
    B - near the river
    C - South Clarkson

4. What do people in Clarkson do at the weekend?
    A - go for walks
    B - have barbecues
    C - swim in the river

5. Which statement is true?
    A - Clarkson is a city
    B - Clarkson is a bad place to live
    C - Clarkson is a popular town

READING is the best way to learn vocabulary! Why don’t you read a book in English? In this link you can find very good books to read!

Importante: Todas as quartas-feiras estarei online de 14:00 às 15:00 para tirar as dúvidas de vocês ao vivo no chat do blog!

Bons estudos! Teacher João

"E lembrem-se de sempre lavar bem as mãos e evitar sair de casa! Somente juntos, com a colaboração de todos, conseguiremos superar esta situação!"

E.M.A.C. Rodrigues Alves

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