Bom Dia, aluno(a)! Hoje é quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2025

Inglês - 9º ano - Aula 12 - Expressions to Agree and Disagree

Hi, students! Vamos à nossa aula de hoje:

:: Content: EXPRESSIONS TO AGREE AND DISAGREE (Expressões para concordar ou discordar)

Hi guys! I think we will be together again very soon. What about you? Do you think so? Agree or disagree?

Let’s learn some expressions we use to AGREE DISAGREE!

Oi pessoal! Eu acho que estaremos juntos novamente muito em breve. E você? Você acha que sim? Concorda ou discorda? Vamos aprender algumas expressões que usamos para CONCORDAR DISCORDAR!

:: Expressing agreement

• I agree with you 100 percent. (Concordo com você 100%)

• I couldn't agree with you more. (Concordo com você totalmente)

• That's so true. (Isso é tão verdadeiro!) 

• That's for sure. (Isso é certo!)

• (slang) Tell me about it! (Nem me fale!)

• You're absolutely right. (Você está totalmente certo)

• Absolutely. (Com certeza!)

• That's exactly how I feel. (É exatamente assim que me sinto)

• Exactly. (Exatamente!)

• I'm afraid I agree with James. (Sinto que concordo com Tiago)

• I have to side with Dad on this one. (Fico do mesmo lado do papai nessa aí)

• No doubt about it. (Sem dúvida)

• (agree with negative statement) Me neither. (nem meu)

• (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. (Suponho que sim. / Acho que sim.)

• You have a point there. (Você tem razão)

• I was just going to say that. (Eu ia dizer isso agora)

:: Expressing disagreement

• I don't think so. (Acho que não)

• (strong) No way. (De jeito nenhum!)

• I'm afraid I disagree. (Sinto discordar)

• (strong) I totally disagree. (Discordo totalmente)

• I beg to differ. (Peço desculpa mas não concordo)

• (strong) I'd say the exact opposite. (Eu diria exatamente o oposto)

• Not necessarily. (Não necessariamente)

• That's not always true. (Isso nem sempre é verdade)

• That's not always the case. (Não é sempre assim)

• No, I'm not so sure about that. (Não, não tenho certeza sobre isso)

:: Exercises:

1) Read the sentences below and write an expression to agree or disagree according to your opinion:
Leia as frases abaixo e escreva uma expressão para concordar ou discordar de acordo com sua opinião

A. Girls are different from boys. _______________________________________________ .

B. Girls are better babysitters than boys. ________________________________________ .

C. Boys are naturally better at sports. ___________________________________________ .

D. Being a secretary is a woman’s job. __________________________________________ .

E. Being a construction worker is a man’s job. ____________________________________ .

F. It’s not right for little boys to play with dolls. ___________________________________ .

G. Little girls shouldn’t be playing with cars and trucks. _____________________________ .

2) Mark the correct option to match the idea of the sentence:

1. You and a friend want to buy a birthday present for another friend. You suggest buying tickets for a concert then ask your friend:

• Are you agree?
• Do you agree?
• Do you think I'm right?

2. Someone says, ''It's cold today'' and you agree. You say:

• You're right!
• You've right!
• You so right!

3. Your friend is talking about a film you both saw and says it was fantastic. You agree and say:

• I absolute agree.
• I completely agree.
• I agree up for a point.

4. Someone says something you completely agree with. You say:

• I agree in total.
• I couldn't agree with you less.
• I couldn't agree with you more.

5. Someone says that your home football team will win their next match. You don't really agree and say:

• I'm not quite sure.
• I'm not real sure.
• I'm not so sure.

6. You are discussing politics with a friend and they say something that you ''half'' agree with. You say:

• I agree up to a point.
• I don't total agree with you.
• I part agree with you.

7. Someone says something you disagree with. You say:

• I don't agree.
• I'm not agree.
• I not agree.

8. You know that you and your friend will never agree about something! You say:

• Lets agree to disagree.
• Lets argue again.
• Lets disagree.


:: Fontes

Importante: Todas as quartas-feiras estarei online de 14:00 às 15:00 para tirar as dúvidas de vocês ao vivo no chat do blog!

Bons estudos! Teacher João

"E lembrem-se de sempre lavar bem as mãos e evitar sair de casa! Somente juntos, com a colaboração de todos, conseguiremos superar esta situação!"

E.M.A.C. Rodrigues Alves

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